• Energise GB: Shaping the Future of Business Energy

    Energise GB: Shaping the Future of Business Energy

    Date: 9th October
    Location: The Derby - St Pancras
    Time: 9.30 - 13.30

    Register Today

  • About ICoSS

    About ICoSS

    The I&C Shippers and Suppliers (ICoSS) Group was created in 2009 to provide Shippers and Suppliers who exclusively supply Industrial and Commercial customers a forum for discussing regulatory and legislative changes in the gas and electricity retail markets.

    Read MoreOur Team

  • Benefits of ICoSS Membership

    Benefits of ICoSS Membership

    Members have input and influence over industry development, in addition to engaging with senior members including the CEO of Ofgem and Energy Ministers. ICoSS membership is open to all organisations that supply, or seek to supply, non-domestic gas or electricity customers and do not have an associated large domestic supply business.

    Read More About Membership

  • Upcoming Meetings

    Upcoming Meetings

    Interested in attending one of the ICoSS member meetings? You can find our upcoming dates and agendas in our calendar, or minutes from previous meetings.

    Event Calendar

Welcome to ICoSS

The I&C Shippers and Suppliers (ICoSS) Group was created in 2009 to provide Shippers and Suppliers who exclusively supply Industrial and Commercial customers a forum for discussing regulatory and legislative changes in the gas and electricity retail markets.

Since its inception, the level of activity undertaken by ICoSS has increased significantly and ICoSS now plays an important role in ensuring that I&C Suppliers are aware of industry developments and work effectively with Government, Ofgem, consumer and other Industry parties when tackling gas and electricity market issues. ICoSS also engages at a senior level with DESNZ, Ofgem, Consumer bodies, Network Operators and other Gas and Electricity participants in areas of common interest.

Membership of ICoSS is open to all entities that have a Gas and/or Electricity Shipper or supply Licence and seek to exclusively supply non-domestic Gas and/or Electricity customers.  Membership is open to licence holders who supply wholesale gas or electricity on a commercial basis to Domestic Supplier organisations they are not affiliated to.

If you wish to know anything further about membership, please contact us via the enquiry form.